School Project (Instructor: El Hadi Jazairy)
On Sphere-Making, Archimedes’ manuscript on the construction of what are today known as celestial globes and orreries, has been lost to time. In his eternal slumber, Archimedes can only ponder what a second version relevant to the near future might entail.
Archimedes’ dream speculates on the possibilities of a new device dreamed up by the Ancient Greek polymath. Extracted from an imaginary sketchbook, is the device an object to be held in the hands, an inhabitable satellite, or merely an unresolved daydream?

A hollowed out Mars houses a museum, one of many possible program types for the spheres of the orrery. Inside, offset levels and an open central space allow views of the entirety of the interior. A café on the ground floor and an auditorium on the top floor accompany the museum proper.